

You're Lovely

You are beautifully made,
Even they don't see in every shade.
You're not an ugly as you think,
Your beauty doesn't yet glint.

You are beautiful,
'Coz God is your Creator.
You are His art, so wonderful,
God is the Greatest inventor.

Don't let them revile you,
They didn't know what's your value.
They don't have the right to judge you,
Don't feel down on what they do.

Only God that really know you,
In all aspect in different hue.
Don't be bother,
You're absolutely pretty, sister.

It's not about your looks,
Your character also will took.
Lovely face is nothing,
If your character is disgusting.

Don't let them see a face of a woebegone,
Let your diffidence be gone.
Chin up, bring out your hidden confidence,
Beauty on simplicity is just an evidence.
© nyrle

#youarebeautiful #uniquecreation