

To be a Father...
See who is Coming….

It’s my daughter
I hope that she finds in me a
real father
a caterer, a maker;
the very first lover and admirer,
and an everyday helper.

A Caterer is faithful under-rower,
someone who no longer thinks of himself,
who faithfully follows the beat of his captain
with every action done with passion —
So, I’ll pay attention and make provisions,
and make sure you are the centre of my actions.

To be made it takes a father,
a steward who oversees the process of growing further
An overseer who watches over, who listens and studies the design
and as early as he can see the signs
he gets down to work fashioning the way of a falcon
guiding its path to its first full flight.

I will be your first fan,
admirer and lover
as you explore your ways,
learning how to enliven your days
l will strive to give you the right pan
harsh it may seem, yet good it will be,
Clapping as you flap your wings
to soar as high as you can in the sky.

From your ground to your sky I’ll be there alright
Sharing my belief in you when it’s all tight
To be a pillar of support when the action gets thick
when life demands more than a bag of tricks
Mine is to continue to love, cheer
pray for and propel you
To reach for the stars and to win in style.

To make a father takes now, not later
it’s a life of responsibility and
strength of character
of integrity, clarity, and
being there when it matters
It requires more than an empty swagger —
A life that’s all talk but no wager

To be a father is a job forever.

#fatherhood #father #Parenthood
© Mountolivemedia