

Role In Life!
I can't begin to explain the way I feel, Sometimes life and situations don't seem real to me, I feel like I'm in this movie that Jim Carey starred in where his whole lived a movie and he thinks its real ,and the whole time everyone's watching his y life on TV ,so he's on like a reality TV show,only he thinks its real life ,and I don't member what happens next to make him realize that his life is not real but he takes off into the ocean thinking he's getting away from it all he is so happy and everyone was cheering him on wanting him to make it,and he's just a going and going then like a windex commercial splat he hits this clear wall and realizes he can never leave this reality show he's been in this whole time is his life in which he cannot exscape fro,this is his life,and has been his life,and he realizes he's stuck in this place and he starts crying and it hits hard to me because that's how I feel my life is just a reality TV show stuck in the same routine day after day,night after night,the way it feels like your life has been written outnl for you,and feel like you'll never escape this role your writer has written it they're own way never to be your own, to feel the freedom when he was on that boat with his heart set on freedom and making his life finally his own,only to hit that clear wall,like a freaking winded commercial,and realize that's not the way it was meant to be for him,that wasn't written in the script of his role to play in life,then to have to except the way it is written for him,this is his role to play and where he's meant to stay!!
© Kimmy Bain