

How Many?
How many times until you stop giving in?

How many times will you lose before you win?

How many times does it have to be said?

Before it sinks into your hard head...

How many tears are you prepared to cry?

Til you grow weary and no longer try...

How many times can one person fail?

How many bullets constitute a hail?

How much love would conquer hate?

How long is too long before it's too late?

How much of yourself can be given to others?

How many children grow up without mothers?

How many days are passing without you?

How many drugs can one person do?

How much pain is too much to bear?

How many promised to always be there?

How many sunsets have you seen?

How much is too much of a good thing?

How much affection can one endure?

Until intentions are no longer pure...

How much of others can we really see?

If you could choose who would you be?

Wasting how much is too much time?

Are you fearful you`ll be left behind?

How many poems will it take?

To heal this lifetime of heartache?

Heidi Shavill 2014