

Happy Teachers' Day

In classrooms filled with wisdom’s glow,
On this special day, we all bestow,
Our heartfelt thanks to teachers dear,
Guiding stars that we revere.

With patience, knowledge, and endless grace,
They light the path in every place,
Moulding minds with gentle care,
For their dedication, we declare.

For every question they help us solve,
And for the dreams they help us evolve,
To our teachers, we extend our praise,
Grateful for their guiding ways.

In their wisdom, we find our key,
Unlocking futures yet to be,
On this Teacher’s Day, we convey,
Our gratitude in every way.

With gratitude, we stand and say,
Happy Teacher’s Day, today and always,
For you, our thanks will never cease,
You’re the guiding stars, our source of peace.

You teach us more than books and facts,
Life’s lessons, too, in your kind acts,
On this Teacher’s Day, we say,
“Thank you” in every heartfelt way.

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