

Breaking through the limits, I dive into astral projection, splintering through the multidimensional vibrational layers, shifting within the tangled web of existence. Letting go of my once predetermined manifestation. I ride the universe’s emotional currents, trusting the surface I'm traversing. Fractal patterns twist, bending three-dimensional perspectives. The blizzard of static dust pulses, connecting the fractured microgrid of time’s undulating fabric. The sky in my mind bursts with light, then fractures into shards, each one revealing another layer. Existence spirals beneath geometric rings, moments frozen, then scattered like forgotten dreams. Stars emerge from dust, only to disintegrate, reshaping everything and nothing into holographic memories. Echoes of choices clash, distorting time’s flow into a whirlpool. The sky shatters; stars descend like drones, I float, as a witness to these fragmented realities. Time collapses inwards, converging on a singularity.

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