

The Beads of Youth
A year has passed since then, yet it remains,
The bracelet you gave, the heart retains.
In the passage of time, our childhood's grace.
Playing freely, a vibrant and carefree chase.

I miss those days, how they fly,
When laughter and joy painted the sky.
As evening falls, I hold the bracelet near,
Its blue and white beads, memories so dear.

They remind me of you, of simpler days,
Of innocence and wonder in our playful ways.
I yearn for the chance to relive the past,
To embrace the carefree moments that do not last.

This evening whispers a nostalgic plea,
To revisit the days when we roamed wild and free.
Though time may change, my longing remains
For a chance to relive those childhood domains.
As I hold this cherished token, this brave in my hand,

I wish for a future where we can understand,
That the bond we shared in our youthful strife,
Will forever be etched in the tapestry of life.
May destiny align our paths once more,
To rediscover the joy we felt before.

For even as time dances on its relentless flow,
Our bond, a flame that continues to glow.
Let the yearning guide us, with hope as our guide, Till we reunite and reclaim the magic deep inside.

In destiny's tender, bittersweet embrace,
We weave memories with youth's gentle grace.
Till then I'll hold the bracelet near,
A symbol of unbroken bonds, hearts forever dear.