

Let those who are wise add to their wisdom
And those who're still wise discard their folly.
For wisdom rot in the hands of a fool
He will never take it to heart.

Cause no more evil
The world has witnessed enough
Wish no man dead
For in time we shall all lay to rest

Oh! How death comes to all
To those who make casket
Must secure one for themselves
Or else they die and thrown into pit as fit

Those who do evil
Must secure the flood gate of consequence
Or else, the gate break-loose and erode their loved ones.

Do you not know?
It's too early to mock the righteous when he falls
If you linger longer enough
He shall rise again

How much does a bullet worth to the life it claims
What is a man's lifespan
That he glides and glories in vain
Follies befriend follies, Aw! They breed sillies

The fool dies and so the wise
Both are helpless
For their relics are artless
Who then is better at death-end!

Reputation may be harmed
But integrity subsists it.
A lie may live for years
But in time, the truth disengage it.
© MDavis Projects