

Pull me up through your strings
That you tied on me as I was asleep.
Give me a voice, as good as the spring
Fix my cuts as your needle goes deep.

Yes, it is me, please do not fear me.
I'm just that puppet in your dreams.
Though look deeper, in my soul,  then you'll see
All of my hidden cries and screams

Someone help me, I'm still alive
Yet controlled by the person I trusted.
"Do this, do that, this is now your life
Isn't this the life you ever wanted?"

You signed the contract with your blood
You accepted the warnings and consequences
Now have no rights to get sad or mad
And so your complains and weepings do not make sense

These are the words I always here as I try
To survive in this small box I've been put to
I try not to make any sound, try not to let go of a cry
As I go on stage, my only goal must be to entertain you.

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