

A Letter that Stayed Hidden 🥂

Let me step into the warmth of your arms,
Let me bask in the sunshine of your smile,
Let me hold you a moment longer, mother mine...
Dear God, please grant me a Wish to pause Time...

I never told you that how much I loved you,
Until the moment I realised I might never get a Chance to see the Old you...
I might never get a chance to tease you about your Grey hairs,
At this moment, life seems so unfair...

I had plans I never told you about,
I was planning to buy you a new House...
I kept it as a surprise for your next birthday,
Now, I'm unsure how will you keep up after today...
Promise me you'll take care of yourself and be okay with every passing day...

The clock's ticking tik-tok tik-tok,
The doctors are waiting for me Inside,
Though they said I've a very thin chance to Survive,
Dont't worry mom, I promise to give Death a strong fight...
So stop crying and please SMILE...

© Chestnut_writes❤️ @writco #poemchallengaccepted