

the voice in my head
Sometimes I wish I could hide under a rock
Maybe then I could protect myself
From the arrows of my mind.
A sharp shooter it is — the voice in my head
It is tiny, but powerful
It makes me restless
and steals my peace of mind
It replays so many painful memories
And punctures my fantasy.

The voice in my head is obnoxiously loud
Silencing the echoes around
It takes me to a world of judgement and criticism
That causes me to question my existence

The voice in my head is taunting and heartless
It forces me to regret and torture myself
With what if's and maybe's

The voice in my head is low but effective
It silences my achievements
And focuses on my flaws.

The voice in my head,
Is hurting me.
It's killing me slowly and I need help.

Life a fire, my endurance is burning.
Like a clothe, my self esteem is fading way

The voice in my head is breaking me
And I'll be damned if it's too late.
© Oyindasola