

Devil Waltz
In the darkness of the night, the devil waltz begins,
A dance of temptation that draws us in.
With a flick of the tail and a sly grin,
The devil leads and we follow him in.

To the music of sin, we move and sway,
As the devil whispers and leads us astray.
With promises of pleasure and power untold,
We dance with the devil and sell our soul.

The devil waltz, a dance of deceit,
A game of chance that we cannot beat.
For the devil knows our every desire,
And uses them to light the fire.

In the heat of the moment we lose control,
As the devil waltz takes its toll.
For in the end we pay the price,
And suffer the consequences of our vice.

Beware the devil waltz and its sweet sound,
For it leads to darkness and the underground.
Stay true to yourself and your heart's desire,
And never dance with the devil's fire.

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