

The Almighty BlueTooth
Damn, Here I am again
Feeling lonely.
All I really ever wanted was...
someone to hold me.
Know me...
Not just a glimpse of who I am.
Someone to actually relate to...
Someone that understands...
Societal flam.
There's gotta be more to life
than Facebook, and Instagram.
I don't fukk with all that bullshit
'cause I know it's a scam.

Trying to ride this out like a flood
from a ruptured dam.
I'm hiding from becoming who you
think that I am.
Hiding from the teacher of this
final exam.
Abiding in my secret place...
Defying the program.

They're manipulating light to
summon darkness to prey on me...
Feed on me... Taunting me.
To try to suck my energy.
This is nothing new to me.
These attacks are all the same.
You can't touch my spirit, but I
wish you'd leave my brain.
I'm not insane...
Though life sure tries to take me there.
Must I be constantly reminded
that this world just isn't fair?!?
Who really gives a care?!!
The world don't cry over people's
hurt feelings...
Suck it up and grow a pair.
You have to bleed before there's healing.

Words that are disparaging
are apparently in.
Words have lost their merit,
a grammatical sin.
Gangsta nerds all parroting.
Inherited ignorance...
It's rather embarrassing,
and it doesn't make sense.
Discouraging looking into
the future...
Children with no parenting.
Biden! I put this on you sir!
Just look at your own children's

A broken nation causes broken
homes and broken people.
The hope that we once had, has been
replaced by a pharmacutical needle.
Social media and main stream news,
are owned by Jews who hate the truth.
What they feed ya is part of the ruse to
keep you confused, while they propagate
the youth.

I don't think we need anymore proof.
As we all die upon the almighty Bluetooth.

So here I am again, praying on my
I pray for an end to this human disease.
Sucka please...
Spare me your pity, that's not who I am.
You don't know what I have been through...
You wouldn't understand.
I have no fam.
I gave up on finding a wife, the price
is not worth the clam.
Let me give you some advise,
Get some peanuts when you're in a jam.

Dieing inside as my blood runs cold...
Too many sons of Sam.
Supplying my own fuel...
for the burning of the lamb.
Spying on me isn't legal, you
should just scram.
Lying on me is slanderous. My
legal case will be a slam.

My life has been a fight, there's
always someone fukkin' with me.
Beating on me... Haunting me...
Why won't this world just let me be.
Continually trying to do to me
what it's done to drive others insane.
I ain't havin' it, I won't hear it.
These messages in my brain.
I feel drained.
Avoiding people with their Medusa stare.
Must I be endlessly on my guard...
Peace of mind is rare.
I've got no one to be there.
A bird cannot fly when there's snakes
on the ceiling.
Hey everyone, look over there!
Distractions are just so appealing.

Words in our language are perishing.
They are changing again.
Words have lost their meaning...
Perverting the ink in the pen.
Wanna be thugs are embarrassing...
Parroted ignorance.
Strong young men are rare it seems...
These dip shits act like children.
Encouraging a life with no future.
Behavior that is so dispiriting.
What kind of life do you prefer?
We need action and less bitching.

A broken nation causes broken
homes and broken people.
The hope that we once had, has been
replaced by Fauci's needle.
Social media and main stream news,
are owned by Jews who hate the truth.
What they feed ya is part of the ruse to
keep you confused, while they propagate
the youth.

I don't think we need anymore proof.
As we all die upon the almighty Bluetooth.

Written by: Michael W. Taylor
June 22nd 2024 ©

savagizedbeatz@gmail. 🎭
© Michael W. Taylor