

Not 4 the weak
Don't look at me I won't look at you.
This is for me just get a clue...
Can you read between the lines & metaphors?
Can you ever see or acknowledge when a soul ignors?
This is my own personal release.
Just walk away & give me peace.
Talk 💩 Blhahahh ha hahaha.
Just leave my life to me and Ra.
I no longer look up or down 2 you.
You took any respect or anything true.
Too us it was an infinite void a spec 4 place
Just go be happy in your own relm time & space.
Nothing more between the dying usless drowning past.
I can hear from Alan Watts I'll never need 2 b in your cast.
Bye peanut gallery I wish you the best of future hearts.
Nothing 4 you.. So now my life can finally start.
Wish you all the best i hope you can see.
Love me or hate me just let me Be.
There was only one that I felt was true and rear.
The presence I felt pouring love for all & cares.
And for you I'll say, U truly have spirit & want to heal.
You are more then most can be for thier own appel.
So as you would say to any that read the raw words in ink.
Listen and do for your self you where born to B a shrink.
A healer of mind body and soul.
As true for 1 it can take its toll.
One to another that has seen its shallow depth.
Watch for actions, physical promises words unkept.
A deffrence between seeing a spirit in person 1 day month or week.
Then every Hour, min,sec fake spirit sinks in bleak.
Be only deserving of ones that are at a level to grow.
So please dear spirit, watch emotion tone & be aware of EGO!!!!!!
I know you have more intelligence then most.
Please star let your light ingage the most provost.
I know you understand my words more than webs plenty
So in code as for children please PLEASE pick a father accordingly.

👁🪔C.. 🧖♾
© RASeeeee