

In the quietest part of the night,
When you hover between dark and light,
Wondering if you can float away in your dreams,
Hoping they won't turn into screams,
Trying to differentiate between shadows and properties.

That part of the night when man-made noises has been subdued by the soothing sounds of the night dwellers.

Counting sheeps with the hope that it'll distract you from the shadow waving at you.

O the games our minds play with us,
But who's to say that the shadows aren't real?
For what differentiates the seen from the unseen?
If not the fact that the seen has been materialized.

The darkest corners of the room can be the home to the brightest light,
But how can you know this, when you believe darkness only breeds chaos.

Night and day are just two sides of the same coin
For how can you make sense of light without the presence of darkness?

Shift your perception of what is, for only then will everything become WHOLE☯️

© Kíkörí Kasie