

a letter to the LORD(for my dad)
He was my best friend, maybe that's why I'm with no friends now cos nobody can measure up to him, he lit me up he's my sun ,all the time he's been the one , the only one that could make me cry so easily, the only one that could make me laugh so easily, the only one that knows my truth,
everyday tryna keep our memories burning , sometimes I forget how much he means to me ,
tryna keep up
tryna make him proud
tryna make myself happy
I wanna live for me too
so tryna distract myself from this pain I'm feeling
tryna smile cos that's what I always do
I wanna be the girl I've always known
I'm trying to be the girl, I'll want to know
I wanna know me better
and everyday I tryna make up, tryna keep up with me, myself and I
and everyday I just wanna make people around me smile
I wanna be happy too
so I can lit him up , I wanna be his sun too
I'm sad to see him failing
failing to be happy yet he has always made me happy , failing to live the life he wants..
I know it breaks him, it breaks me too
we haven't talked in years..social media doesn't count,
there's so much to share, he has to be here,
I don't even know how's he living, doing , is he even taking care of himself ? I'm not sure, I can't answer, can't ask him, it seems way too much now, we are miles apart now,
but hey he's the one I've always known , the one I've always kept close ...
I just want him again , I want my father again
I want my friend, I want my best friend ...
I've tried to replace him..I couldn't , I just can't do it
I'm just not good at letting go
no I'm really bad at letting go
so please God help him find his peace
all this time I knew I was missing something , my life is missing a piece
He's the one my life is missing
He's my joy, the one that keeps me going ...there's nothing cheesy about it
He's what I know first and he will always be the first
so God , I pray to you , I beg you
to show my first some mercy
you gave him to me ...that I know
God you know everything so please restore his glory,honor, peace , life, prosperity
restore him to him lord
restore my father, restore me
He's all I've known
God I know you can help him
please do 🙏🙏

© rookie poet