

Woman On Top
People preach gender equality but Women can not even begin to be compared to Men, that's quite degrading.
Men are like sons , little baby boys to be precise.

Quite frankly; they've gotten ahead of themselves demanding worship from women.

Being a Woman IS A SUPERPOWER.
Women should just wake up, dig themselves and realise that they were sculpted and created in every detail of theirs, behaviour and all... Perhaps that's why we would all rather look at a naked woman over a man, because there's nothing perculiar in the latter.

Women have been attacked solely for being a woman in the past times, being controlled, manipulated, killed etc by men.
So insecure and... Well manly. I'm sorry,but there's really nothing to a man.

Women don't live for men.
"Behave in a certain manner so you get a husband..." That's an old wives' tale. They probably don't even want husbands.

So this is Me. I love being nude but we live in uncivilized times where a woman is a whore or all those sorts of names by men who don't quite even have much to put on the table but a degrading remark, lies, insecurities, uncreativity and manipulation.

Or I'm probably looking for Sex.(all that goes on in their heads ofcourse; sex, sex, sex). Darling I have fingers and I can definitely get a dildo if I feel like some sort of "pleasure" but that's not even on my mind .

See; Not everything is about Men. My dresscode, lifestyle or preferences have absolutely no attachment to men.
So irrelevant they've managed to make themselves subject to everything...

I think Women are everything; beautiful bodies, radiance, love, light, intelligence, strength, wit, and Beauty, Talent, imagination, so much more... When did the inferior gender (I must just put it out there) begin to decide what a Woman can and cannot do?

They will stop at nothing to hinder you from being a woman; call you crazy for your imagination, creativity and talents, make you feel inferior for liberating yourself and do many other things because they know that solely being a Woman is your power and they are powerless hence they've come up with a doctrine intended to shrink women and magnify men far beyond their nonexistent capabilities.

Men are Boring.
That's just Me
© Robyn Windsor