

I Am Losing Myself
I am losing myself
I am becoming someone completely new
Someone I don't recognize
Someone completely designed by you

It's like the Me inside is slowly dying
I can’t feel her, I don't see her
It's like she is not even trying
She is trapped in your clutch
A slave to your touch
It’s too much
It’s killing her

I am losing myself

I don't hear her voice anymore
Not even a whisper or a silent cry
Just the bones breaking beneath the pressure
After been bled dry
With not even enough strength to ask to be released
It’s like she is relieved
That she will no longer be able to feel pain
No longer able to feel shame
For her weakness
For how stupid you make her feel
How insignificant she feels

I am losing myself

She is relieved
That she can feel nothing
She embraces the emptiness, the nothingness
The silence, the peace, the darkness
She is relieved
Because now she can rest
And let the new Me take her place
Fill her space
While she is slowly erased - from herself
Someone please help!

I am losing myself
© thatweirdislandgirljm