

happy belated birthday
Yesterday was your birthday, did you think I would forget?
3 day's before mine I hope you had a great time.
Have you gotten over me? I haven't gotten over you. Tell your dad I said hi and he is a very very good man. You are the greatest impact on me and your love is wonderful indeed, I wish I didn't have a break down like I did, you told me leaving you would be the biggest mistake I ever made,
and by far it's so true; I'm lost helpless, ill and die every day, that you don't talk with me, for all the gifts I received from God you are by far the most cherished.
You are the brightest star in the sky, and the whole world knows your name, but I know you and fell in love without knowing that you are the superstar you are.
I never meant to hurt you by running away, It's just this crazy way that Twin Flames do.
I hear your songs and it seems like a way back to you. I wish with all my heart and intentions to be with you at long last, but as I mentioned I'm I'll and might be fading fast. Seems to me like everything else in my past,
My life was of suffering pain and torment, but you came in so clear and easy like our souls know each other. We fit together like missing pieces of a puzzle, that shows the big picture.
I have been through unspeakable pain in my life, but the worst of it
was walking away from you, I say FUCK the patriarchy, for they don't know I Loved you before time began and long after it's through.
I must have done something horrible in my past life,
to have a truest love like you,
and never being able to have you in my life. so I will ask the universe if I can ever be forgiven?
I will get my answer if I ever get the chance to talk again with you.
don't call me Jack, I'm almosthuman, but more You can call Red , because my heart bleeds without you.
my love for you is Evermore.
© dejectedpeot_flowing