

We are the Same But Different.
3 Dogs on a Porch
Aggressive. Round Eyes . No way Round .
All Ready To Attack
All ready to Fight for their Lives.
Starving From Boredom and Freedom
Freedom From What Our Past .
Aching for Fun not without some roughness.
To Make Things Better is all in Our Present .
They Have been Through it All
Hunger Abandonment and Sadness but still Want more
More From Their Future for some Reason I suppose .
Trust no one Is the Motto
Stick together is the Key .
Those 3 dogs resemble ones past present and Future.
Different Stages experiences and Stories.
Different Backgrounds which aligned themselves to create the pack we have now .
We are the Same But Different .
Let the Past Be .. Let Your Present Roll ..and Your Future become .
© JhannieJhannie