


The rising of the sun
On this day many years back
Ushered in your birth
It welcomed the joy
That warmed many hearts
A special Vessel has been sent
Down from his Maker
Bundled with strength
The messengers carried him graciously

Grace make him known
In the assembly of the saints
Peace clouded his heart
In propagating the good news
Hope guided his thoughts
In breaking forth victoriously
Joy quenched his thirst
Into serving the only true God
Love unlimited secured
His divine assignment

Years back in today
The Lord made you happen
So with a heart of gratitude to the HIM
In coming to know you
And being part of you
Myself, Sey and Kay
Wish you a joyous, glorious and victorious birthday
Even as your Maker
Continues to make His will
Perfect in this new age
And in the many to come
We love you in a million ways
Daddy Charles

© Vivian Gbewonyo