

That impossible wish!!!
If God ask me to wish...
but only time and one thing,
I'll be confuse library or dish...
Then I'll ask for magical ring,

I'll say when I'll rub it....
A Genie should come out....
In the ring the he should fit,
I'll hide it, else people will shout

Then He'll ask what I want
To own a library is my 1 wish...
Then last wish is going to grant
I will say want 2 more wish is my last wish
and don't let my wish to be finish.

I know your wish was this poem never ends
How was the poem, I know my thoughts where similar to yours when you was a kid 😜
If you like this poem so much, comment I'll make one part, don't forget to leave a like before you leave 😂 and show your kindness by following bye

© Anzela Ansari