

<3 Have faith in God/Yahweh <3
Here lately I've been puzzled,
More than struggled,
I've been withdrawn,
But I pledge to keep swimming on.

I need to put on my brakes,
As I've made one too many mistakes.
I took a wrong turn,
But I'm choosing to learn.

My negative emotions will decrease,
I chose to increase my happiness and peace.
Life seems unreal,
But I WILL heal.

I choose to grow,
And let things go.
Anything is possible with God,
I'm beyond blessed and he is my kind of squad.

There will be better things,
This world brings.
And even better when I'm on cloud eleven,
Thrilled to be floating up to heaven.

Failure wont define me,
I'll forever be free.
With Yahweh by my side,
He will guide me and provide.

I will love myself like I love others,
Because they're all just like sisters and brothers.
I'm full of faith with God we stand,
He will always hold our hand.
© Verna Nicely