

You're The One
You're the one I would die for .. To give you
a chance to live

In the hearts of every person .. In everyone who's
ever lived

Oh what a world it would be, if only for just a moment
We could see through your eyes

This world would be so much better .. A perfect
place for all to embrace

To awaken .. To put an end to the kaos
The ignorance of this world and its ways
We .. For so long have existed

To be as children once again, forever innocent ..
Untainted .. .. Yearning to learn, laugh. To sing

To sing of your praises while we dance in the rain
In joy, in peace .. To live on this earth as we so long
To live in heaven ..

For this world to be at peace .. Lord
You're the one I would die for ..

💡LightInDarkness 🌑 ©JFO👥2024

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