

Afraid to cry
A cry; to make my heart light
A cry; to overcome a thundering night
I cried alot
with muffled bawl
Afraid to tell, if I cry more
you won't talk to me anymore
Might you will find any disgust in me,
might I will get the tag of crying baby
The afraid and guilt might blow the tears
sticking to the face
But, hardly stop anyone to find the gloomy face

I cried alot... alone
with a derpy heart aches like a drowning fish in its own lake
forget to swim
The scream of that fish was never heard
and never get through anyone

You will again cry alone
with no one again close to you heart
Sitting alone,
you will decide once again,
it's better to make the aching hurt
a stone once more.

Then, why I forget it will repeat same
Making my heart a pillar of stone,
I am not making it strong
As building a pillar will sooner be a sprinkled tears
once hit by a strong reality squall.

The reality; hidden by you in the deep
ocean having tears of cry
A cry; to make my heart light
A cry; to overcome a thundering night.

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