

Now You Are Free
The emaciated heart, fever on your brow,
The aching joints spawning constant misery,
Can no longer tighten their grips now,
The soul unfettered, now you are free.

Everything hurt, you heaved a defeated sigh,
Barely dragging along your body frail,
Now liberty, these constraints can't deny,
As you walk undeterred beyond the veil.

Neither searing heat nor the savage cold,
Eternal nemesis as the years rolled on by,
That inflicted pain on the bones grown old,
Are nothing now but a disconsolate lullaby.

Misery and heartaches that plagued you,
The thousand anxieties warping your mind,
Now your soul divine, they can't break through,
As shatter the fetters of this world unkind.

As fade away all your anguish and sorrow,
I hope you find the peace that eluded thee,
I will remember you always, today and tomorrow,
Rest easy for eternity, now you are free.

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