

Infinite reasons to be Happy.
The sun greets my melanin,
stretching it's rays towards me,
so as to tell me how it gives praises to my goddesses that reign within me.
There are no edges on me it reaches not,
both those scares worn with pride,
to the ones that tell tales which make my hairs quiver.
A star that bursts laughter on me to lay galaxies,
an admiration that makes the Gods recognise my existence with satisfaction,
a glow that shines to remind one of inner greatness,
somehow bestowing a halo of infinity.
Undeniable happiness that makes the moon dance,
sharing music with the universe in announcing my souls peace,
it's echo's reaching corners of the milky way we dare not imagine exist,
"For she is beautiful, a form of pure delight that awakens my relish of what a true woman should be, created from tranquility and harmonious thoughts"
I guess this gives reason,
why the moon seezes to exist... even in the presence of the sun,
both displaying pleasure of gazing at a creation that somehow mocks their preeminence,
Infinite reasons of happiness,
are the conversations caught in the dawn of day,
just so to catch the falling and rising of the sun and the moon,
as ears fall on the colloquy that mark purpose on one's arm's,
"Hahaha, she is an undeniable wrinkle.. see how she wears her heart on the rest of her sleeves".

© Lee'an 🌻