

Do you know what happened?
Do you know who killed us?
I can tell you.
It was you.

It was you who seemed to be shocked,
shocked about how we all suffer.
You talked about us,
you seemed to be in rage.

But you have done nothing.
You have let us die.
And you watched our death
as if it would be a movie.

But you said to yourself:
"I am a good person,
I know what's happening
and I talked about it.
That's the most I can do."

And like that, you lied to yourself.
And you lied to your friends.
You lied to your family.
You lied to us.

And like the shadow shies the light,
you shy our pain and sorrow.
Because you know what you've done.
You know who you are.

And I won't forgive you.