

The White Feather
The clouds moved as the swift wind passed by,
They collided together like the wings of a butterfly,
one of the many I felt when your hand brushed over mine,

The folk of birds chirped circling around the white hazes,
As the mapple leaves flowed across the city of dreams,
Starring at the pretty cityscape down the hill.

The grapevine leaned slightly towards the left,
When a gentle gust touched the mauve berries, it went,
brushing through the ivies crept on the fence,

Sailing away the blue sky, a white feather landed next to my feet,
A tint of red on the corner caught my eye,
painted with the blood red mark of the broken wings,

My bloodshot eyes weren't stronger than your love, 
You caged me into your rusty old cage, just like a white dove,
Making me want to burn the bridge but I couldn't get enough...

Your love was like heaven chained up in hell,
Your dark eyes never softened for they weren't the ones, I could tell,
The ones, the ocean blue eyes in which I "accidentally" fell...

The blue sky turned dark as the feather moved away by an inch,
The thunder lightened up the dark sky above me,
Just as once upon a time, you too did,

The white feather moved away in the raging wind,
To follow the dove who went far away from the fields,
Leaving behind everyone, everything.
© Lavenderdawn