

Love - Makes a life

"Love '' ,a small four letter word yet a word that contains infinite feelings , relations inside it. Love seems like a religion sometimes leaving a question that who's the God whom we should worship, should we recite about peace or just love the moment and let ourselves ignite like the candles.
It takes all your life's luck to get to be with the right match. But when you are, it feels as if the best possible thing you can get . So pure , so precious that each and every single second you spend with your loved one it becomes the bestest moment for you to keep for the rest of your life. Love may seem like a person who walks to their destination , gets blind for their goals and wishes to achieve them anyhow. It doesn't need to be complex or get carried forward with some lovely gestures and as people say romantic acts and words , it can just be with those simplest things , the simplest talks where they speak both with their mouth and their hearts and find a connection that they were searching for so many days.
Love and it's purity can't be measured , it can just be felt ,felt with the emotions that strike , thoughts that make your mind wander, talked with the language of hearts and lived with the sweet , emotional , the most beautiful memories made.

© Aarti