

Daughter of Love
In a world where dreams can soar,
There shines a spirit, strong and more.
A woman of courage, fierce and bright,
She walks through life, a shining light.

A lawyer, she stands for truth and right,
In the courtroom, her voice takes flight.
With every case, she fights the fight,
Seeking justice with all her might.

An engineer, she builds and creates,
With intellect that never abates.
Her mind, a tapestry of innovation,
Solving problems with pure dedication.

A doctor, she heals with tender care,
Comforting hearts burdened by despair.
In her hands, lives find solace and ease,
A healer's touch, like a gentle breeze.

A nurse, she tends with gentle grace,
Soothing wounds, a smile on her face.
In her embrace, patients find relief,
A guardian angel, banishing grief.

A mother, she nurtures with endless love,
Guiding her children, like a peaceful dove.
Her heart, a sanctuary of warmth and care,
In her embrace, they find shelter there.

A daughter, she honors her family's name,
With respect and gratitude, she stakes her claim.
A bond unbreakable, through thick and thin,
Their love, a treasure that will never dim.

A pilot, she soars through endless skies,
With wings of freedom, her spirit flies.
She conquers fears, defying gravity's hold,
In the vast expanse, her dreams unfold.

In all her roles, she finds her way,
Balancing life's demands each day.
But amidst it all, her heart beats true,
For God's love, the guiding light she knew.

A woman of strength, beauty, and grace,
With love and faith, she finds her place.
A testament to what a soul can be,
A shining example for all to see.

For in her journey, she loves and thrives,
Touching lives with the love she derives.
A woman of many roles, united by love,
A gift from above, a blessing from God above.
© Saighoe Francis Asilfie Kweku