

He and His Heart
This world is a bitter place...
To face it and to exist in it...
His arms is the better place...
To live in it and to stay alive in it...

This world is a dangerous place...
To feel it and to have life in it
His sweet home is a safest place...
To find it and to embrace it...

This world is a cursed place...
To perceive it and to make sense of it...
His heart's nest is a blessed place...
To respect it and adore it...

This world a hazardous place...
To accept it and breathe freely in it...
His comfort is a peaceful place...
To grace it and to rest in it...

This world is an insecure place...
To reside in it and to be settled in it...
His heart is a guarded place...
To love it and live in it...
@Kavya R Smiley
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