

A second chance

Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold...
Truths become lies,
young becomes old,
the laughter, the cries,
the weak, the bold...
The years pass by,
I slowly go insane.
I would rather die,
than live with this pain.
This is no kind of life,
nothing to Gain.
So I sharpen this knife,
in hopes it reaches the vein.
It goes deeper than ever before,
the smell of blood permiates the air.
My eyes go blank, as I fall on the floor,
It's not like she will even care.
my heart slows down,
there is barely a beat.
My face wears a frown,
I've accepted defeat.
Too late to save my soul,
I can see only darkness now.
a wasted life out of control,
taking it's final bow.
A familiar voice calls my name,
I hesitate to reply,
my heart is full of shame,
tears fall from my eyes.
I float above my body,
the dark night turns to gold.
An angel puts his hands upon my heart,
he says this has not been foretold.
To your body I must return you,
for this is not how your story ends.
Please remember, God's love for you is true,
On him you can always depend.
My soul returns to the flesh,
my wounds slowly disappear,
A new chance at life, I thee bless,
God whispers in my ear.
should you ever need me,
I'm never very far away.
You only have to hit your knees,
and pray!
Give to me your heavy burdens,
I will lighten up your darkest day.
all I ask of you my son,
is for you to prey.
© James L. Babcock Jr.