

The pages of my old book,
Hold my memories of yesterday,
Every smile, every tear,
Every person who came my way...
Beneath all words... I spelled your name:
Throwback to those glittering daffodils,
Tossing brightly beside the glass windows.......
And my accused soul,
Aching for your return and whispers again.

Amidst all those darkness, daffodils made me through my pages of thick dust of memories.... Scribbled all over repeating your name over and over again.... :
Burnt them all.... In the hatred fire.... In the echo of fading hopes and awaited me
For that dawn.... Carrying me away to my pastel hand drawn world...🍁

Pages are half-burnt.... Ink got faded...
People lost and changed...
Strangers started caring and loved ones disappeared suddenly like those nightmares.....
But those small instances of tears, smiles, fake laughter and your fake love:🥀

Remained with those white daffodil petals.....
Covered with a thick dust in blossoms and yores.......... 🌼

© Shadow