

The feeling of being defeated, and broken I cant help but cry. I watch helplessly, as my life falls apart. The taunting voice inside my mind, triggers that urge to just get high.

I’m sure many of you, are left wondering why. I will begin, by telling you about my master, of an evil kind. He controls my body, soul, and my mind.

I wasnt the only one that obidded by his rules. But it was to late, when I realized he was stealing my soul.

Thanks to my master I am now somebody I hate. I walk around, ashamed, as my master dictates.

His control never ceases. Even when I think I'm free, it’s only a matter of time before Im back under his wing for some reason.

I can’t fully rid him, not even for my children’s sake. He revolves around every decision I have to make. Because of him, suicide I often contemplate.

Everybody says, no you don't look like that "type". They couldn't picture me, locked in my room smoking a pipe.

My master says you love me to much, to ever stay clean. He is right, he has been a part of me, since I was barely a teen.

I tell my loved ones I am sober, but they know I have lied. It isn’t that I don’t want away from this life. Believe me, I have tried.

If you ever come across my master, run don’t think twice. He has the intentions of taking your life. He heeds, to the names of crystal meth, dope and ice.

For the rest of my life I am cursed with this disease. Even after sobriety. When you struggle, cry or hurt. The first thing that will come to mind, my master will be. Until he robs you of everything, he will not leave.


© ©crash