

Echoes of the Gods
"Echoes of the Gods"

In ancient lands, where myths were born
The gods and goddesses, their stories sworn
Of mighty Zeus, with lightning's might
And Poseidon's wrath, that shook the night

Athena's wisdom, and Aphrodite's grace
Artemis' hunt, and Apollo's embrace
Hades' darkness, and Demeter's sorrow
The Olympians, in eternal borrow

Their tales of old, in verse and prose
Echo through time, as the ages close
The Minotaur's labyrinth, and Persephone's fate
Orpheus' lyre, and the sirens' deadly state

The Fates' thread, that weaves our lives
The Muses' song, that inspires and thrives
The gods' great deeds, in legend told
A world of wonder, where myths unfold

In modern times, their legacy remains
A testament to the power of the human brain
For in the stories, of old gods and new
We find the essence, of all that we do.
© Hawaimperial5