

Titleless Poem By @the_digital_scribbler
When top and bottom eyelids inevitably meet,
All my eyes see is your tender face.
The sweetest of tears such eyes do secrete,
Coupled with the most tightest embrace.

Of which your warmth does certainly complete,
A soul once halved, now whole in place.
The feel of your skin pulses the heart to beat,
At what I would declare an abnormal pace.

If all of man gained your audience, they'd pursue,
Of this I doubt not, come hell or high sea.
If given the chance, they'd be born anew,
In a world where only you would be.

When eyelids separate and I finally come to,
I smile at indelible thoughts of thee.
For anyone else could have held you,
But 'twas I who gained your hand upon knee.

© @the_digital_scribbler