

Candid ghosts🦋🌈
A few tears and a ton of memories later,
I'm reminded of the fact that scars would forever remain,as family would.
You may never know who truly loves you, with how much pain you've had to endure,
there's the love that blossoms in your heart,
yet dimmed by dark clouds,
holding on to rainbows and blue butterflies,
someday you'll find home.

For all that is appreciated is all that is known,
for all that is loved is all that is valued,
the presponderance of love outshone the flutters of window panes,
shut close by the wind of thorns,
of much is given,much is expected,
but what shall I give,if all has been stripped from me?

Bell peppers reason while Lily throbs,
I hearken to the voice of my master,
shunning the pleas of candid ghosts,
too thin to touch, too real to feel,
Holding on to the rainbow and blue butterflies,
someday you'll find home.

© Nehita baht