

In a world born of code and light,
where the air sings with electric breath,
I step into a dream not my own—
yet made for me.

My hands stretch toward things unseen,
the weightless grip of digital matter,
and my feet tread paths never touched by earth.
Here, gravity is an option,
distance just a suggestion.

I lose myself in pixel skies,
colors are sharper than any sunset,
and faces that know me only by the name I give.
Reality bends like light through glass,
a mirror I cannot shatter.

Time pauses, dances in loops,
or stretches until I forget how long I’ve been gone.
Yet beneath the code,
the pulse of my own skin remains,
waiting for the return, the re-entry.

Still, I linger,
in the quiet whisper of worlds unseen,
finding comfort in this place
where the rules can be rewritten,
and nothing is ever truly real
except the way it makes me feel.

Here, I am both the dream and the dreamer,
free to shape what I cannot hold,
to paint the skies in colors unknown,
and dance in the space between thought and light.
I linger, because in this realm of endless change,
I am unbound,
and the limits of reality bend to my touch.

Yet, even in this fleeting fantasy,
I carry the echo of a distant truth—
that somewhere beyond this veil,
the world waits for me to return,
to feel again,
to be whole.

© Bobby Priest