

Whispers Of Eternal Dawn
In yon still moment, shadows kiss the dawn,
Where heaven's breath doth whisper to the land.
A figure bends, as if in love’s command,
Capturing dreams ere they fade, or be gone.
Each beam of light, a lover’s soft caress,
Doth trace his form with gentle, tender grace.
The distant hills in hazy, fond embrace,
Hold secrets shared in silent quietness.
O, fleeting hour, with thee the heart doth yearn,
To etch upon the soul this scene so rare.
The world doth spin, yet here, we shall discern
The timeless waltz of earth and sky laid bare.
In sepia tones of olden days we bind,
Our hearts entwined in love’s eternal mind.

Beneath the arch of heaven’s azure dome,
Where shadows dance on verdant fields so fair,
He stands, a silhouette—apart, yet home,
Enraptured by the sight, the soft light’s glare.
His gaze, a painter’s brush on canvas wide,
Doth capture moments fleeting, yet divine,
As light and love through nature’s grace abide,
In whispered winds, where earth and sky entwine.
O gentle hands, that cradle time’s sweet flow,
In quiet reverie, each breath doth weave,
A tapestry of dreams, where lovers know,
That fleeting glimpses time itself reprieve.
Thus, in this silent moment, hearts do find,
A love eternal, by the fates designed.
📸 Private Photo

© poembyselly