


In this tumultuous existence we abide,
We toil and strive with unwavering pride.
We face the trials, both triumph and defeat,
Through joys and sorrows, life's rhythm we meet.

Adversities we conquer, negativity we surpass,
Embracing the positive, we hold steadfast.
In our vulnerability, strength begins to grow,
Confronting life's challenges, we'll never forego.

Can we dispel the darkness that clouds our days,
Find happiness in myriad of different ways?
Seeking prosperity to fulfill our needs,
Through honor and goodness, our resilience exceeds.

Longing for a soulmate's tender embrace,
Trust in love, creating an intimate space.
Yearning to feel sufficient in our own skin,
Contented with what life has chosen to bring.

Ne'er to be forgotten, let our hearts plea,
For abundance, love, and harmonious glee.
With each passing dawn, summoning the might,
May our wishes be granted, in gentle twilight.

© Janefeances Adimachukwu