

Silent Walk
That Silent walk Around,
Disturbing me,
When no one you surround.
Your presence made me sense,
‘A helping hand I need’ ,
Your seeking eyes said;
I didn't know what to do,
‘Should I ask directly to you?’,
You looked up high,
As if a bird willing to fly,
Walking and Walking,
You became more melancholic,
I couldn't stop myself to reach you,
As every step of yours could tease me.
I holded your hands, deep,
‘Will you hear all my thoughts as I speak?’.
I told everything your mind's eye spoke!
Speaking in my voice; your heart,
That you ever thought..
Slowly your heart melted with tears,
there came out the mystery of that kept you silent for years...
Clouds of trusts surrounded us
Rainbow of words held us
And Rain which kept you from flying for years finally started to shut.

© Beauty writes