

Unexpected Day
On a day such as this
I could only question how it goes,
Should it be filled with rain and gloom?
Or will it fill with sweet roses.

I received a letter from her
That she would be busy and thus unable to attend,
So she would be occupied with a party
As well as a cheerful chat with her friends.

So then I decide that even I
Would make plans to wash away my loneliness,
So plan up a last minute party
As well as some drinks with friends.

As I drink my ale and enjoyed the festivities
A messenger hurries to me,
Saying that the young lady had requested my presence
And that she was in dire need of me.

So I rush back home by carriage
In order to find the fair lady,
Yet to be met with no one
But I wait for her anyway.

She arrived in a red carriage
Within the third hour of my wait,
Unsure if it was the fair lady
I ran to meet her by the gate.

She smelled of wine and sweet scented perfume
Weary of the festivities she wished to rest at my home,
As I carried her across the dewy grass and through the large doors
I was somewhat happy that tonight I was not alone.

We spoke of the parties we attended and laughed
Concluding that us dining alone would’ve been better
She was scared to be alone within her allocated chamber
So before she slept she requested that I stay beside her

I told her not to worry since I would sleep on the floor beside her
Yet she still feared that I would leave the room,
So I complied and I lay beside her
I could faintly smell the scent of her rosy perfume.

As I slept I noticed something upon my chest
Opening my eyes to see her arm on my chest and her head on my shoulder,
At first I was shocked yet it felt so nice
So all I could do was to hold her closer.

Before I could drift back to sleep
I could not help but admire her beauty and rosy lips,
She seemed to have noticed what I was thinking
So she got up and gave me a kiss.

Astonished I sat there not knowing what had occurred
Either I was dreaming or she wanted to
So I leaned in closer as if to test the waters
I kissed her and she kissed me back too.

Throughout the night
we engaged in such an activity
Then we slept in each other’s arms until the dawn of the next day.

As she awoke I asked her if she was aware of our certain late night activity
She replied that she was aware and that she was wary that I would disapprove,
I smiled and said that I had loved her for a long time and thought she didn’t feel the same
She laughed and said the same thing and was waiting for me to make a move.

As she was preparing to leave I pulled her close and gave her a kiss
Saying that I hope it wasn’t a dream,
She kissed me saying that if all was a dream
Then her only wish was to stay and never leave.

But as the time drew near for her to leave
And to board the carriage to go home,
The sudden and dreadful feeling came back
Where I realized I would then again be alone.

As if she could read my very thoughts
She kissed me and said that we would again see each other,
Affirmed by her beautiful smile as she left I was glad
Because I then knew that we would soon see one another.

As I stood by the gate as her carriage drove away
I could not help but smile happily,
For I would happily await our next encounter
That would soon come another beautiful day.
© KJ Petaia