

You lifted my heart above your own
To show me that kindness can be reciprocated
Working through all the weight, muscles grown
Now they are tired, sore, need to be repaired

In the darkness, we battle the storm
Tearing yourself apart, that gives me such a fright
A sudden realization, I start to mourn
As much as I want to help, only you can turn on the light

So as I wake after all the pain and stress
What do I find? But one of your hairs on my chest
I walk to the bathroom to try and make a start
Weigh myself on the scale, to find that I've lost a heart

But that's the way of love, as tough as it sounds
It's hard work, scaling up those seemingly impossibly high cliffs
But when you reach that peak and rise above
I'll meet you there, and we can set on new grounds
© D.Carlyle