


Neptune's winds break the sound barrier.

Neptune's orbit of our sun is a 165 year trek.

It may sound impossible, a pipe dream at best, but I've always hoped my ability to travel wouldn't end with Earth.

The idea of an infinite universe is so tempting and so terrifying, it's difficult not to get lost down the bottomless rabbit hole of theories, assumptions, and science fiction.

"Infinite"... a word we use so often, but are actually incapable of fully comprehending or accepting its meaning. We say the word. We read the definition. We think we understand. But we do not. It's too grand, too monstrous, too unbridled.

Too infinite...

To the limited human mind, everything has an end. But space doesn't abide by our rules and norms.

Space simply IS.

And I want to see it. In all its impossible, incomprehensible splendor. From its brightest star to its darkest blackhole. I want to see something I will not understand.

I want to see Neptune.

#Neptune #Space #Universe #Travel #Infinite

© Mar Café