

Trapped between two worlds
Laying myself to sleep
Like every normal kid
Hoping to get up
Rested and refreshed
Planning an intervention
Oblivious, I remained
Seeking a disturbance
Unbeknownst to the one who sleeps

Imagining instances
Deep I was in my sleep
Enjoying false sightings
The blame, on me?
Dreaming was my exit
Away from the truth
Entering a state
Where I held the power

Waking up though
Not as planned
Using my sight
Aware of myself
Trying to move
Nigh impossible, it seemed

Looking at the ceiling
How helpless I felt
Thinking and thinking
Normal or a curse?
Feeling it was over
It was just a first

Moving limb by limb
None obliged
Staying still for a while
Time might help
Longing to be free
Still I was baffled
Pondering over my dilemma
Neither here nor there

Breaking the stasis
At long last
Remembering the feeling
Half absent, half present
Living or dead?
Rather trapped between two worlds
© thekhan
Day 002/100