

What You Seek
"Oh, wow! Congratulations!"
"I am so happy for you!"
"See, hard work always pays off."
"I'm elated, you got through!"

Messages that pour after victories,
greetings you're forced to send,
wishes that come from the heart
if only, you were at the receiving end.

After the first few times,
your compassion loses its shine.
'When will I be the one to receive it,
that joy, the glory that is mine.'

You fight jealousy and ill will,
until you give in to the turmoil,
You become a person you've always hated,
someone you don't recognise.

This isn't a fight with your karma,
fate doesn't hate you yet,
it's a battle against your devilish forces,
winning against self is the toughest bet.

So smile away, spread the joy,
the universe notices compassion,
what you seek is seeking you,
it'll come when you fulfill your mission.

© Ishita Nigam Garg
#WritcoPoemChallenge #writcopoem #writcopoems #poem #Writcopoetry #poems #Struggle #failure

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