


When there are weeds in a farm, the farm looks full. The worst is that the weeds are also green and so the wide view looks all green and alive, meaning that from the outside, it would look to people like everything is alright and that the main plants are growing. il n'y a aucun probléme. If only they could see their struggle. It's only the real plants that know how much these weeds are sucking from them.

These weeds are like some friendships, relationships, events, habits,etc. They might seem to make you feel like your life is full and that you have alot of activities and people surrounding you but only you knows how much baggages are in those shit you are dealing with and what it's taking from you.

But then weed!
Take the courage, tell yourself the truth and deal with it continually; weeds don't bear fruit!
Not only that some people don't add anything good to your life, they actually suck you dry of your substance, always tampering with your tanquility

Oh pleaseee; weed these weeds, take them off! It's going to be strenuous. It would take alot but do it.

You know what? Even the main plants feel the heat while and when the weeds are gone; they would feel alone but then give 'em some time, they will realize that they are better without them. It's going to be lonely but then the growth will be amazing.

All am saying is that when you weed certain things and people that struggle with your peace of mind which seriously affects your growth and progress; you will feel lonely, it's would sometimes seem like you made a mistake letting them go but be steadfast, after sometime, you will be glad you did.

The earlier you weed ,the better for you.

© Epitome's Opinion