

A Simple Life - in a Shell
My shell was a good place.
My shell was my happy place.
Life was simpler, less complicated,
filled with less tension and confused feelings.
Life wasn't great,
But it was okay. It was quiet. Cold. Beautiful. A sheltered paradise, strong against the tides.

Now, my shell walls have fallen.
Another stands inside whilst I neglected it.
Distance has left me open, confused, complicated, downtrodden.
I've forgotten how simpler life felt,
in fleeting memories of a happiness not shared.
I've forgotten the feeling of quiet, the absence of a presence.
I long to be free again.
To be within my walls again.
To not worry about tomorrow or today of someone else.
Tears, I could cry but for whom? My shell? The me I once was in that shell that is lost?

© 0506girly