

The word 'love' no more excite me and it doesn't give me butterflies anymore, now it's like a word that I happen to hear most of the times!!

They were days when someone would say "I love u" to me and I would be happy, buy now I. not even moved by those three words and the magic in them has vanished...

Maybe I've been under the sun for too long that worldly pleasures no more surprise me, once upon a time the word 'love' put a smile on my face but now it's like I'm neutralized and my emotions have turned cold..

My heart has become stone and now I only listen to my brain becoz I never acts rashly like my heart used to..!!

In the past I would watch dramas and when romantic scenes appeared I would be overwhelmed with joy,, but now I can already tell how it's gonna end.. Love is no more new and surprising and it's not infatuating anymore..!!

Love has become like the clouds rarely seen and only comes with a storm, love stopped being like the moon, it stopped brightening our darkest days and keeping us company in days when we feel abondoned and alone...

I've forgotten how sweet love can be and now it no more surprise me!!!😔😔